The first sound instrument of man was his body, from which he drew the physical, but also intellectual resources, essential to improve his existence and to extend the control over nature. This was possible by virtue of a multi-millennial technological development which, starting from the simple chipping of the first stone, through the control of fire and of the earth’s cycles, allowed humankind to devise more and more advanced techniques to control natural phenomena. It is not at all easy for the scholars to document this backwards path all the way to history’s dawning, using a method which didn’t always let one highlight, beyond the measured words of the archaeologists, the daily human struggle to survive.

The bifaces were the result of an operation consisting of giving shape to a flint with a series of blows given with a percussion instrument. The hand makes the instrument following an orderly sequence of movements. To the rhythmical repetition of the gesture produced by flint corresponds a regular series of sounds.