Replie to John Noble Wilford’s words
On February 27, 2001, John Noble Wilford, author and...
Dance and Geometry between the end of Bronze Age and the beginning of Iron Age (950-750 BC).
The premises of the choreutic tradition of ancient and...
The Embodied Mind according to Fritjof Capra and Pier Luigi Luisi.
The concept of embodied mind is well exposed by Fritjof...
Collingwood, Geertz and the cognitive value of the Human Sciences
In the first half of the last century, the neo-positivist...
The gesture of Self-Reflecting Adorant
When analyzing the figurative and archaeological documents...
Archaic Body and Cosmic Man
In the book of Genesis, it is written: "So God created...
The Crane, Ariadne’s thread, labyrinth and dance
"After arriving in Delo while he was returning from Crete...
Megaliths and Dance
In 1962 J. Bronstedt wrote the book "Nordische Vorzeit"...
Dance, Hermeneutics and Reconstructionism
In "L'outil photographique et l'ètude de la danse antique"...
A charming hypothesis about Sword Dance
The Ghillie Callum is one of the oldest Scottish sword...
The Hora of Frumusica, a perpetual dance
Curt Sachs states that each circular dance has a magical...
The gesture of Chthonian Man
Reading the book "Morphology of the fairy tale" (Vladimir...
The gesture of Universal man
Like the gesture of the Cosmic Man in which the arms are...
The warrior, in front of and profile
On the rock nr. 50 of the National Park of Naquane...
Pythagoras, the lyre and the harmony of the Cosmos.
The gesture of prehistoric man and his linguistic code.
In every period of post-paleolithic art the anthropomorph...
“Music does not come to terms with matter” (Goethe), but about this prehistoric man knew a lot more.
The Bullroarer and the sound of the origins
Bullroarers used by kids of Friuli, northern Italy (from...
The meaningful gestures of archaic man
In western tradition communication takes place mainly...
The dance that imitates the animal world.
A dance is the formal result of a certain kind of symbolic...
A gestural meaning of svastica
We have recently analyzed the gesture of dervish, which...
Pre-eminence of the right hand.
With the paper "La prèèminence de la main droite. Étude...
Similarities between a hunting ritual of the Australian aborigines and some upper Paleolithic representations
The paintings that the scholars have found in the depth of...
“Archeology of Knowledge” and Interpretation: a hermeneutical approach.
Meaning is not a consequence of a cause, but the working...
The most ancient sounds made by man
The first sound instrument of man was his body, from which...
Interpreting the Prehistoric Visual Sources for Dance. MUSIC IN ART : International Journal for Music Iconography, XL (2015). Abstract
 Abstract. The most ancient pieces of evidence about...
«The Singing of the Pigmy is much closer to the genesis of music than Beethoven’s symphonies and Schubert’s Lieders» (Curt Sachs)
"When you will be able to play inside the eagle's bone,...
Every dance representation is forever
If the dance accomplished in the three dimensions all the...
The sacred nature of support
The strength of an image mostly depends on the sacred...
Dancing or Representing ?
A dance is a formalized act, regulated by unchangeable...
The Shiva Dance
In the Olympus of Hindu deities, Shiva represents the...
Social Effects of Dance: a Question.
In every archaic community gesture and dance accomplished...
The Starting Point? The “Ring-a-Ring o’ Roses”.
"Ring-a-ring o' roses, A pocket full of posies, Ashes!...
The Dance of Origins
As many scholars of dance disciplines well know, just...
17. Circle and line dances from the Bronze and Iron Age in the Alpine region and surrounding areas. An approach.
Paper presented at Convegno Internazionale "L'ARTE...
16. Body and Gesture in Prehistoric Iconography
Paper presented at XXV Valcamonica Symposium, "Art as...