The gesture of Universal man

by | Nov 15, 2018 | Senza categoria | 0 comments

Like the gesture of the Cosmic Man in which the arms are turned to the sky, even the gesture with the arms open and parallel to the ground, which the French esoteric philosopher Renè Guenon attributes to the Universal Man, is widespread in every time and place.
This gesture is connected to one of the most important symbols of the primordial tradition: the sign of the cross, which is hierarchically governed by the principles of Harmony and Conformity and ordered in the sense of Amplitude and Exaltation.

Fludd 1617

Leonardo’s Vitruvian man corresponds to the Universal Man of esoteric doctrines. This means that even at the beginning of the seventeenth century a strong symbolic correspondence was recognized between the microcosm (man) and the macrocosm (the universe) (by Robert Fludd, 1617).


Masso di Cemmo nr. 2 (period IIIa of the rock art camuna (2800-2500 BC) The two anthropomorphs are in frontal position, do not perform any specific act and show no distinguishing elements.The absence of a country plan and the coexistence of daggers whose dimensions are disproportionate, it authorizes the attribution of anthropomorphs to a dimension outside the space and time of reality.

Assuming the gesture of the cross the anthropomorph on one side superimposes the arms on the horizontal axis, thus expressing the maximum opening of the body in space (Amplitude), despite the limits imposed by the conditions in which the world manifests itself. According to Guenon, the extension of Amplitude, which is a passive and feminine principle, does not concern only the body, but includes all the modes of the human being, of which the bodily condition is only one aspect.
The expansion along the vertical axis (Exaltation), is a principle (active and masculine) that implies the loss of individual consciousness and, through the overcoming of the multiple states of being, that is, of the various levels of existence, leads to identification with the Whole. This practice consists in arriving at the effective realization of the totality of being, that is, at the attainment of what the Hindu doctrine calls Liberation.

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