A group of initiates ritually strikes with spears the image of a kangaroo drawn on sand (from Hutchison, 1915). It is a phase of the initiatory ritual of the ceremony “Bora” of the natives of Eastern Australia, set up with the purpose of initiating the youth to the secrets of masculine society. In these ceremonies the sacred myths of the tribe are told in form of mime show, as a teaching to the youth of traditional beliefs. Archaeologists have often used the materials related to primitive people to give a cultural identity to the archaeological documents brought to light. From the uncritical application of these data a picture emerged in which the prehistoric civilizations from time to time incorporated either the propitiatory hunting rituals of Arctic people; or the cult of bones of Tasmanians or of Amazonian Indians; or a totemic cult of the Australian aborigines. This way of working, which often generated confusion and inaccuracy, can be explained in the semi-true idea that prehistoric civilizations showed “clearly” the same traits of “primitive” contemporary people.
The paintings that the scholars have found in the depth of some caves of Franco-Cantabrian area had a considerable importance for the paleolithic people (from 35,000 to 10,000 years ago) who made them. Not for nothing entering these caves involved serious dangers. The three long tunnels of the Trois Frères cave, for instance, could be reached only by crawling, without ever lifting the head for forty meters, through a narrow passage.

Montespan Cave, Upper Paleolithic (from Breuil). Representation of a bear, pierced by javelin shots. At the time of discovery, next to the image was a bear skull and traces of his skin. Footprints, paws and claws of the cave bear have been preserved around the image. The footprints were arranged in a row around the sculpture. A ritual similar to that performed by the aborigines may have been performed around the sculpture. The image of animals pierced by spears in the vital parts of the body is widespread in many European Paleolithic caves.

Trois Frères, France, Upper Paleolithic (from Anati). Cave bear riddled with blows. The image shows the blood stream coming out of his mouth.